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The Neighborhood Gardener – October

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Hanging Baskets

Colorful annuals in a hanging basketBy Pam Brown, Retired Urban Horticulture Agent, Pinellas County
Hanging baskets are wonderful additions to your home garden.  They can easily be moved around and create wonderful eye-level color and texture opportunities. Pam Brown shares her tips on creating beautiful hanging baskets. More 

Plant of the Month: Oriental Persimmon

Oriental persimmonThe golden fruits of Oriental persimmon are easy to grow and are high in fiber and vitamins A and C. Ripe fruits have a smooth texture and mild flavor. In Florida, the fruits generally ripen from late summer through fall. Plant your Oriental persimmon in full sun in well-drained soil. It will benefit from regular watering and occasional pruning. More

October in Your Garden

The time to control winter weeds in lawns is before they appear. Pre-emergent herbicides must be applied at the right time to be effective. Apply when evening temperatures are 55-60°F for 4-5 days. Avoid weed and feed products.

For more month-by-month gardening tips, check out the Florida Gardening Calendar. Three different editions of the calendar provide specific tips for each of Florida's gardening regions—North, Central, and South. More

Friend or Foe? Foe: Brown Patch

Lawn infected with brown patchBrown patch, also known as large patch, is a fungal disease that can affect zoysiagrass and St. Augustinegrass lawns. It shows up as round, discolored patches that expand over time. It’s typically observed from November through May when temperatures are below 80°F. Infection is triggered by rainfall, excessive irrigation, or even extended periods of high humidity. Lawn areas that have been troubled by brown patch in the past should be sprayed with a fungicide prior to disease recurrence, but prevention with proper lawn care is best. More

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